Curriculum Input

“Schools do well to welcome believers from different communities of religion and belief to make a contribution to learning.”

National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE)

Our team deliver bespoke lessons on a range of topics. Each of our tried-and-tested PSHE and RE lessons are carefully crafted to engage students with creative learning activities that aid and enhance their learning. We welcome questions from students and when addressing religious topics a broad Christian perspective will be considered.

We’ve received excellent feedback from both staff and students, with 82% of our lessons being rated as ‘excellent in all aspects’.

You can view a summary of some of the lessons we have to offer in our brochure for schools.

You can use the form below to request a lesson on any topic and a member of the team will be in touch.

What are people saying about our lessons?


“The lessons are always thought provoking, with engaging activities that are well resourced. Students work through the activities with enthusiasm. The issues are presented in such a way so as to promote discussion and demonstrate real responses from Christians; we see this as an invaluable part of SMSC education within the school.”

Mark Cooper, Deputy Head Prince William School

“I really enjoyed this lesson. I learnt that you can’t judge someone based on their looks as you don’t know what has actually happened during their life. I liked the game at the start as it was good to see what other people thought. It was quite challenging and it got more difficult as the lesson went on! Overall it will make me remember to think before I speak.”

Year 8 Student Feedback, Lesson on the topic of ‘Prejudice’